In Memory of Bob Mermell

The LMCC celebrates the life of Friends of Lincolnville Board Member Bob Mermell, who passed away on March 1st, 2022. Bob and his wife Jet were great supporters of the museum. Bob joined the board in 2019, after moving to St. Augustine in 2017.

He served on the Living Legends committee, helping to organize the banquets and pick the nominees. Bob is remembered by staff as someone always ready to assist with any task. In the picture below, Bob proudly stands next to the museum’s new front signage, which he helped to install.

He was a great friend to the museum, to the Lincolnville neighborhood, and to the larger St. Augustine community. He will be missed by all.

A copy of Bob’s obituary can be read here


In the Press


Lincolnville Museum scores Top Ten for an African-American Cultural and Historical grant!